What Kind Of New Age Mumbo Jumbo Is Aromatherapy?
Is what a lot of people ask.
Well let me explain. Aromatherapy has been around since ancient times, but not in the form it is now. Aroma therapy is at least 6,000 years old as aromatic plants were used by the most ancient civilisations. An Egyptian medical papyrus thought to date from 1555 BC contains remedies for various illness and application methods similar to those used today in Aroma therapy today.
The word Aroma therapy has two parts Aroma - meaning smell or scent and therapy meaning treatment. The Egyptians would burn Frankincense as an offering to their sun god in the morning and Myrrh to their moon god at night. They would also do embalming using aromatics to preserve the flesh. The Egyptians would infuse plants in oils and use these fragrant oils for massages after baths.
The Chinese used aromatic herbs and burned aromatic woods and Indians were also using aromatics in massage at this time. The Greeks also used aromatic oils medicinally and cosmetically, A greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides wrote a book called Materia Medica about her bal medicine and for 1200 years it was used as the western worlds standard medical reference. Many of the remedies arestill used today in Aromatherapy.
Aromatic substances were used in the bible, many times in the old and new testaments. Mary anointed Jesus feet with Spikenard, which was a very expensive perfumed ointment.
The Romans took a lot of their medical knowledge from the Greeks and used and improved the ability of aromatics. After bathing they would be oiled and massaged using them.
The Romans also started importing aromatics from East India and Arabia through trade routes.
During the crusades the knowledge of aromatic oils spread to Arabia and the Far East. A Persian physician called Avicenna AD980-1037 is understood to have first used the process of distillation to distil essence of rose.
Aztecs were known for their plant remedies and aromatic oils and the North American Indians used aromatic oils and made their own herbal remedies.
So you see they are pretty old.
Fast forward a bit to the 19th Century where scientists in Great Britain and Europe began researching the effects of essential oils on bacteria. At this time a French scientist named Rene Maurice Gattefosse 1881-1950, who is considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Aromatherapy and invented the word, began his research into the healing powers of essential oils after burning his hand in an explosion in the laband then applying lavender oil. He was impressed at how quickly his burn healed. In 1937 he published the book A r o m a t h é r a p i e : L e s H u i l e s Esse n t i e ll e s , H o r mo n e s V é g é t a l e s , a book about the antimicrobial effects of essential oils.
Others at that time were researching and experimenting with essential oils such as Albert Couvreur and Dr Jean Valnet who realised the enormous value and potential of essential oils when using then to treat wounds during the war. Margaret Maury was a bio chemist who developed away to apply essential oils onto the skin with massage.
What does an Aromatherapist do?
I am so glad you asked that.
A qualified Aromatherapist is a trained expert in the different essential oils and how they are applied to help the mind, body and spirit.
An Aroma therapist will have an understanding of the body systems, anatomy and physiology, and how they work.
An Aroma therapist will be able to use their knowledge to identify a specific or a number of essential oils or essential oil products that will best work together for your specific health and wellbeing needs.
An Aroma therapist will take a detailed medical history, to make sure that any essential oils you use are not contraindicated to a pre-existing condition or medication. An Aroma therapist will take care of the ’whole’ you and not just the presenting issue, looking at the underlying root cause and not just at the symptoms.
An Aroma therapist will Not diagnose any medical issue or condition, but will refer you to a qualified medical doctor. An Aroma therapist will Not take you off any prescribed medication but will work alongside to assist your health and wellbeing.
An Aromatherapist will Not pour dilute essential oils (essential oils are concentrated and potent) onto your skin, but will dilute accordingly in a carrier oil or cream for any treatment.
An Aroma therapist will work with you to devize a specific treatment plan, which could include advice, a massage, a topical cream or lotion(or bath product to take home), or an inhaled treatment during a time of meditation and relaxation. All will come with instructions for after care at home.
What Are Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products?
Great question.
Well an essential oil is;
A concentrated liquid containing volatile (easily evaporated at normal temperatures) chemical compounds extracted from plants roots, stems, leaves, flower's and fruits.
It contains the essence of the plant, it's scent and flavour. They are generally extracted using distillation, often by steam. Other methods of extraction are expression, solvent extraction and cold pressing.
Essential oils are either inhaled or diluted and applied to the skin. The chemicals inessential oils can interact with your body in a number of ways. When applied to the skin they are absorbed and enter the blood stream and when inhaled they can stimulate parts of the brain known as the limbic system, which plays a role in your emotions, behaviours, long term memory and sense of smell.
An essential oil product is a cream, lotion, oil or wax containing essential oil. A Hydrosol is a product of the distillation process and contains the water soluble plant products left behind after the oil is removed, which are highly therapeutic.
So I hope that has answered some of your questions about this new fangled hippy idea called Aromatherapy.
Next month I will be talking about natural insect repellents, how to treat bites and after sun soothing skin care.
I am a local aroma therapist with a mobile practice covering Loughborough and surrounding villages.
Find me on Facebook at Nature Aroma Therapies.